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The glossary

Here you will find all the technical terms you will encounter in our application suite.

Install & Deploy


The Install & Deploy (I&D) phase is a period in the life of a project. It is the third of the three phases (Analysis & Design, Build & Develop, I&D) that structure the execution of a project.

It can consist of several stages:

I&D - Deployment / Release
The product or service is gradually made available to the market or users. It is during the Deployment/Dissemination stage that the external communication strategy comes into play and, more generally, what is known as change management within the company.

I&D - Post-deployment / Performance monitoring
At this post-deployment stage, the project is completed and its result (product, service, organisational change, etc.) enters the operational phase. Responsibility for the outcome of the project is handed back to the management (project sponsor), who must organise the post-project period:
Project teams are reassigned.
The support of the project product is entrusted to the operational teams.
The monitoring tools were established during the preparation of the project, at the same time as the performance and quality objectives were defined.